Am 7. und 8. Mai 2014 fand in Bern der 2. World Collaborative Mobility Congress (wocomoco) statt. wocomoco setzt sich tiefgehend mit dem Thema „Kollaborative Mobilität“ und dessen Akteuren auseinander, will den gesellschaftlichen Wandel hin zu einer nachhaltigen, effizienten Mobilität vorantreiben und den politischen, wirtschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Dialog zum Thema fördern.
Im folgenden eine Auswahl von Tweets, die vom wocomoco getwittert wurden:
- RT @voilakevin: “Bike sharing is taking people off transit in the core, but bringing people TO transit in the suburbs” @SusanShaheen1 ->
- RT @mobilityacademy: #wocomoco Susan Shaheen, University of California: about 28% of young adults, 16-34 years in the US dont have a driving license ->
- RT @voilakevin: “Parking is a key part of mobility.” @park2gether #wocomoco ->
- RT @mobilityacademy: #wocomoco Piepenbrock: The competitors from the traditionell mobility services fight hard against new companies in the sharing economy. –>
- RT @mobilityacademy: #wocomoco Roland Zeller, COO parku: Sharing parking space is not very welcome in the politics ->
- RT @mobilityacademy: #wocomoco Main question for Werner: Is there need to regulate the sharing economy? Even most of the users like the “grey” situation of today ->
- RT @mobilityacademy: #wocomoco Werner: The solution – regulate the platforms, not the user ->
- RT @mobilityacademy: #wocomoco Michael Glotz-Richter, City of Bremen: The key point is to get rid of the cars ->
- RT @mobilityacademy: #wocomoco Ronny Kaufmann Swiss Post thinks it is not enough to bring families to smaller cars, better to bring them better mobility services ->
- RT @mobilityacademy: #wocomoco O. Bremer: A successfull co-mo-service needs a good public transport system to reduce private cars ->
- RT @mobilityacademy: #wocomoco E. Helmeth: There is a challenge to get space for new forms of mobility now to get more space from the effects later on. ->
- RT @mobilityacademy: #wocomoco Carsharing in the US is dominated by large corporate entities – Car2Go, zipcar, enterprise ->
- RT @mobilityacademy: #wocomoco C.Cerfontaine: We need to think in mobility, not anymore in public or individual transport ->
- RT @mobilityacademy: #wocomoco C.Cerfontaine: Goal of combined mobility: to let the citizens live and work without owning a car ->
- RT @mobilityacademy: #wocomoco C. Cerfontaine: Reason for Combined Mobility: Modern, flexible and with door-to-door-solutions ->
- RT @mobilityacademy: #wocomoco J.Beckmann: We need big goals, like the strategy of “none death by transport” for decarbonisation and sharing economy ->
- RT @mobilityacademy: #wocomoco L. Anderson: The concepts of ownership and access are going to be transformed ->
- RT @mobilityacademy: #wocomoco L. Anderson: The difference now is technology which makes sharing more easy and comfortable ->
- RT @mobilityacademy: #wocomoco Wyss: The cities have to look how to integrate sharing-services in the urban structure and how to avoid more traffic by car ->
- RT @mobilityacademy: #wocomoco Wyss: Bern has changed its parking-regime with a so called Frame-Agreement to make it more easy for sharing services to find space ->
- RT @mobilityacademy: #wocomoco Wyss: She is concerned if the parking-tools make it in the end more easy and more quick to find a place and leads to more traffic ->
- RT @oikosReporterDE: Ursula Wyss zu Ko-Mobilität: Innovation sollte Auto-Benützung im Stadtverkehr nicht attraktiver machen. #urbanmobility ->
- RT @mobilityacademy: #wocomoco Wyss: The more specific our trips become the more specific must be the mobility services ->
- RT @mobilityacademy: #wocomoco Problems of cargobikes: Weather, Terrain and road infrastructure ->
- RT @voilakevin: There are more than 40,000 cargo bikes in Copenhagen (pop 600k / 1.9M) #wocomoco #bikeTO ->
- “You’re not a cyclist. You’re the citizen of a multi-modal city. The bicycle is a minor detail.” – #radverkehr ->
- exponential growth of users in Europe RT @mobilityacademy: #wocomoco carpooling: 82% of drivers are male, 56% of passengers are female ->
- RT @mobilityacademy: #wocomoco carpooling: 82% of drivers are male, 56% of passengers are female ->
- RT @mobilityacademy: #wocomoco carpool: Why carpooling? First and most important: saving money. For passengers its as second important the social aspect ->
- RT @mobilityacademy: #wocomoco carpooling: Average distance of a trip: 245 km. Average time spent for a trip: 190 minutes ->
- MT @mobilityacademy: #wocomoco Sebastian Schlebusch, nextbike: Many business modells of bike-sharing are dependent of public money ->
- RT @mobilityacademy: #wocomoco Schleebusch: costs of an bike-share bike (including stations, support etc.) around 8000 Dollar ->
- RT @mobilityacademy: #wocomoco Schlebusch: How to reduce costs by bike-share-systems: less stations bike, more free floating. Simple board computers ->
- RT @mobilityacademy: #wocomoco Schlebusch: Another solutions – hybrid systems, stations and freefloating in one fleet, sometimes using so called virtual stations ->
- RT @mobilityacademy: #wocomoco Fabrice Lago, PubliBike: Principle: Handling the last mile through bikes ->
- RT @mobilityacademy: #wocomoco Lago: PubliBike uses mechanical and electric bikes at the same time, nationwide access ->
- RT @oikosReporterDE: „Der Wille ist da, aber das Geld oftmals nicht.“ F. Lago von @PubliBike über die Zusammenarbeit mit Gemeinden. ->
- RT @voilakevin: “Car-sharing makes more room for people in our cities” Michael Glost-Richter #wocomoco ->
- RT @mobilityacademy: #wocomoco Glotz-Richter: In Bremen one car-sharing car has replaced 11 private cars ->
- RT @oikosReporterDE: Michael Glotz-Richter, Bremen: E-Mobilität löst kein Verkehrsproblem. Car-Sharing hingegen reduziert Autos, schafft Lebensraum. ->
- RT @mobilityacademy: #wocomoco Bremen takes special way cause of its political situation as “land”. They only allow certified car-sharers ->
- RT @voilakevin: “Carsharing creates space for people” Michael Glost-Richter #wocomoco ->
- Mittlerweile ärgere ich mich wirklich, dass ich nicht zu #wocomoco gefahren bin! -_- *grrrrr* Aber das #FMCDD steht vor der Tür… ->