Analyse Öffentlicher Personennahverkehr urbane Mobilität

[London 2012] Verkehr während der Olympischen Spiele 2012 – Tag 14: Die mobile Londoner Sauna

Dieser Artikel ist Teil der Serie Verkehr während der Olympischen Spiele 2012 in London. Eine Übersicht über alle Artikel finden Sie hier.

Am 09. August waren in London etwa 27 Grad. Da die meisten U-Bahn-Züge und Busse nicht klimatisiert sind, gab es mangels größerer Verspätungen und Probleme vor allem Beschwerden über die hohen Temperaturen. Die Bezeichnung “mobile Sauna TfL” fiel mehr als einmal…

[London 2012] Verkehr während der Olympischen Spiele 2012 – Tag 14: Die mobile Londoner Sauna

Verkehrsereignisse und Erfahrungen vom vierzehnten Tag der Olympischen Spiele 2012 in London.

Storified by Zukunft Mobilität · Sat, Aug 11 2012 04:10:18

So much hate for London public transport omg. #CouldNotLiveHere Farrell
London #Olympics nights…traffic. in #TimesSquare ???, DivaD
Beautiful day, traffic very light only a few days of the Olympics left, then all the traffic will return to London. Enjoy it while you canTim Golding
#piccadillyline now has severe delays btn #ActonTown – #Uxbridge only, due to an earlier signal failure. Good service rest of the line #TfLTfL Piccadilly line
#jubileeline is horrendous again today #tfl queues nearly back to escalators – you have been warned!Christopher Leader
I’ve made it to platform of #jubileeline at #Waterloo but two packed tubes gone by so far – simply can’t get on one. #tflChristopher Leader
The #districtline has resumed a good service to all destinations. #TfLTfL District line
The #piccadillyline is now operating a good service to all destinations #TfLTfL Piccadilly line
Travel problems, what travel problems? #Olympics every year please. Seat all the way to the stadium. Well done #tflAl Newman
Interesting to note that TFL are no longer claiming that walking to the Olympic park from west ham is faster, finally. #TfL #truthJamie Wilson
Stratford station’s staff incompetence and lack of common sense have just made at least 70 people late for work #kolhakavod #tflalex green
Too many people in London whining about the Olympics because of traffic. Grow a pair faggots #London2012Lewis Brown
The trains are surprisingly not that bad! I won’t speak too soon though :) #tflAntonia
Northern Line was completely dead today. Getting a seat at Clapham South on the Charing + branch – unheard of Olympics or nay. #TFLEmma Knock
The trains are surprisingly not that bad! I won’t speak too soon though :) #tflAntonia
Tfl announces "A good service on all London Underground lines" to a platform full of people who were just kicked off their train #lies #tflLuke Benstead
Just rode the Tube with a bunch of athletes from #Dominican Republic! #London2012 #olympicspirit #TfLKristy Marshall
This is why you don’t live in London during the olympics, looooong traffic jams. Rushers
So we get to London 20 minutes early because there’s no traffic bc the olympics are going on…Stephanie
Good morning from London. Hardly any traffic on the roads, I wished they had olympics every week. ;-) fftn.Andrew Davenport
I’m still wondering what happened to all the traffic rush and catastrophic scenarios of the London during Olympics?Jiri Jerabek
The London transport network is creaking under the high footfall created by the Olympics. Micron
The #bakerlooline has minor delays while we fix a signal failure at #PiccadillyCircus #TfLTfL Bakerloo line
So Leon Daniels treats public money "as if it was my own" I hope he isn’t a gambler …#deficit #locog #tfl #OlympicsDaniel
Leon Daniels refuses to tell what the budget is for the #Olympics games lanes. #TfL doesn’t believe tax payers have a right to know. #PutridDaniel
Any business bidding for work with #tfl don’t give them a cost …just tell them they will get a bill when the job is done #GamesLanesDaniel
I know people have moaned but I’ve just made it from Ealing to Greenwich in under 40 minutes in the Olympic rush. Well done #tfl. For once!David John Coverdale
There are severe delays on the #bakerlooline due to an earlier signal fault at #PiccadillyCircus #TfLTfL Bakerloo line
#London Oxford #Airport announces 180% traffic increase for #Olympics #bizavEuro Jet
Hate being stuck in traffic on the motorway!! Tip for everyone. Dont go anywhere near London while the Olympics are on.Connor McLaughlin
French AND English announcements on the jubilee line. Surprised never went on strike for a pay rise. #olympics #TfLPauline Ashford
A good service has now resumed on the #bakerlooline Trains and platforms may still be busy #TfLTfL Bakerloo line
Survived the hottest train ride ever… who needs a sauna when you got the London Underground #tflDean James
Public transport has officially turned it’s back on me today. I wonder what the jubilee line has waiting for me #tflLucy McQuire
The #bakerlooline has minor delays while we fix a signal failure at #PiccadillyCircus #TfLTfL Bakerloo line
French AND English announcements on the jubilee line. Surprised never went on strike for a pay rise. #olympics #TfLPauline Ashford
Fuck off #tfl train kicking everyone of at Northfields how the hell am I supposed to get back from there?Dave Lyons
Survived the hottest train ride ever… who needs a sauna when you got the London Underground #tflDean James
I think I nearly died of lack of oxygen. #tfl #london2012kelly sotherton
Real gold goes to #TFL – flawless execution on a massive difficulty! Now, can it be like this every day please?Kaitlyn
Why isn’t the aircon working on the 17.12 from Camden road to Stratford?!?!!! #sweatingout #tfl #overgroundAG
This will be the first time I’ve used public transport since the games began…. Let’s see how it goes! ? #TFLElliott Fredrick
It’s far too hot today on #TfL #getmehomeValentine PMA Sevar
Buses are so slow towards Oval/Vauxhall at the moment. So annoying #tflNicola Jo
Waiting 10 mins for a DLR- thought they were meant to be more frequent, not less #TfLDee Kasthuri
Took me 10 mins just to get on a train at Hyde Park, then the #Tubes doors broke, apart from that all smooth for just two stops! #TFLElliott Fredrick
Stratford station is crazy busy. Can’t see the floor due to crowds. Good crowd man’ #tfl #London2012 #justgoingwiththeflow #needacuppateaJay Kamara
new article on why the London streets are quiet during the Olympics, by Paul Ormerod. #complexitySynthesis
Miracles DO happen. A 341 with lots of free seats. #tflDamon Allen Davison
Incredibly congested and delays at London Bridge station. Avoid if possible! #TFL #LondonBridge #Delays #CongestionMeera Pankhania
My seat on the bus is on fire #hotseat #bumburn #publictransport #Tfl #borisgetnewbusseswithairconSophie Burn
I hate the jubilee line with a passion. #LondonUnderground #tflashley flay
According to counter the 297 is 2 mins awayJeez been waiting like a lemon for 15 mins now#TFLEdmundo
I’ve managed to avoid for 2 weeks till today & central London was not as congested as I’d imagined ….well the underground anyway :-) #tflLaura McKenna
Great day at #Olympics and surrounding area. Hats off to #tfl as over 3 days all travel ran like clockworkNeil Lloyd
Getting a bit sick of #TFL’s emails warning me of travel chaos everyday and where to avoid, basically everywhereRob Storr
Minor #northernline delays btn #Kennington & #Morden southbound only. Earlier customer incident at #ClaphamNorth Good service on rest #TfLTfL Northern Line
A good service has resumed on the #northernline Trains and platforms may still be busy #TfLTfL Northern Line
Minor delays on the #victorialine as a result of a faulty train at #HighburyAndIslington Updates with you the moment we have them #TfLTfL Victoria line
a gold service on all lines, quite unusual indeed #london2012 #tfl Gillet
A good service has now resumed on the #victorialine Trains and platforms may still be busy #TfLTfL Victoria line

Randelhoff Martin

Herausgeber und Gründer von Zukunft Mobilität, arbeitet im Hauptjob im ARGUS studio/ in Hamburg. Zuvor war er Verkehrswissenschaftler an der Technischen Universität Dortmund.
Ist interessiert an innovativen Konzepten zum Lösen der Herausforderungen von morgen insbesondere in den Bereichen urbane Mobilität, Verkehr im ländlichen Raum und nachhaltige Verkehrskonzepte.


Telefon +49 (0)351 / 41880449 (voicebox)

E-Mail: randelhoff [ät]

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Grimme Online Award Preisträger 2012

Zukunft Mobilität hat den Grimme Online Award 2012 in der Kategorie Information erhalten. Ich möchte mich bei all meinen Lesern für die Unterstützung bedanken!

PUNKT Preisträger 2012

Zukunft Mobilität hat den PUNKT 2012 der Deutschen Akademie der Technikwissenschaften (acatech) in der Kategorie "Multimedia" gewonnen.

Logo VDV Verband Deutscher Verkehrsunternehmen

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Verfasst von:

Randelhoff Martin

Herausgeber und Gründer von Zukunft Mobilität, arbeitet im Hauptjob im ARGUS studio/ in Hamburg. Zuvor war er Verkehrswissenschaftler an der Technischen Universität Dortmund.
Ist interessiert an innovativen Konzepten zum Lösen der Herausforderungen von morgen insbesondere in den Bereichen urbane Mobilität, Verkehr im ländlichen Raum und nachhaltige Verkehrskonzepte.


Telefon +49 (0)351 / 41880449 (voicebox)

E-Mail: randelhoff [ät]