Analyse Öffentlicher Personennahverkehr urbane Mobilität

[London 2012] Verkehr während der Olympischen Spiele 2012 – Tag 16: Melancholie kommt auf

Artikelaktualisierung Zukunft Mobilität

Dieser Artikel ist Teil der Serie Verkehr während der Olympischen Spiele 2012 in London. Eine Übersicht über alle Artikel finden Sie hier.

Am vorletzten Tag der Olympischen Spiele 2012 in London ist so etwas wie Melancholie zu spüren. Viele Londonerinnen und Londoner wünschen sich, dass die Olympischen Spiele 2012 länger dauern würden. Grund ist der recht reibungslos ablaufende Verkehr und die leeren Straßen im Zentrum Londons.

Bei der Analyse von Twitter ist mir das folgende Plakat aufgefallen. Kann mir jemand bestätigen, dass diese Plakate wirklich in London hängen? Meiner Meinung nach wären Plakate mit einem Hinweis auf die Selbstmordhotline mehr zu empfehlen, auch wenn ich die Intension verstehe…

Plakat Transport for London Tabletten Selbstmord
Plakat: Transport for London


Das obige Plakat war nur ein für Transport for London erstelltes Konzept, das aber aus guten Gründen nie angenommen wurde. An das Licht der Öffentlichkeit ist es gelangt, als es den Chip Shop Award gewonnen hat. Der Chip Shop Award ist ein Wettbewerb für Werber und Kreative bei dem keinerlei Regeln gelten. So darf auch an der Grenze des guten Geschmacks agiert werden, die hin und wieder auch überschritten wird. (Danke an André Jalowy für den Hinweis!)

[London 2012] Verkehr während der Olympischen Spiele 2012 – Tag 16: Melancholie kommt auf

Verkehrsereignisse und Erfahrungen vom sechszehnten Tag der Olympischen Spiele 2012 in London.

Storified by Zukunft Mobilität · Sun, Aug 12 2012 07:30:36

Nice one #tfl, thrown off an empty overground train at 11pm because bikes cause "overcrowding during the Olympics" May common sense prevail.Andrew Sprinz
#OxfordCircus station on #centralline @victorialine @bakerlooline is closed due to a fire alert #TfLTfL Central line
#OxfordCircus station on @centralline #victorialine @bakerlooline has now reopened #TfLTfL Victoria line
#thevictorialine on @victorialine is always fucked #tflHarriet Pulford
As much as I love my peaceful nightbus the schedule is a bloody liar #TFL #FMLJules T-Smith
you must like the upgrade on the metropolitan line…its well airconditioned and don’t smell of piss. #TFL
No service #victorialine between #SevenSisters & #KingsCross due to emergency eng work at Seven Sisters, severe delays rest of line #TfLTfL Victoria line
How the hell can Victoria Line ALREADY have severe delays at 5.30 in the morning. Thanks #tfl for yet another fail!Annie Martin
#TFL have excelled this morning, Victoria Line suspended due to lack of trains!! #londonundergroundNick Newman
#victorialine tickets being accepted on local buses, Greater Anglia, First Capital Connect, London Overground, South Eastern & SWT #TfLTfL Victoria line
Severe delays on entire #victorialine while the service recovers from earlier emergency engineering work at #SevenSisters #TfLTfL Victoria line
#HighburyandIslington station on #victorialine and @ldnoverground closed while we respond to a fire alert #TfLTfL Victoria line
Minor delays westbound on #centralline , while we fix a signal failure at #Holborn. There’s a good service eastbound #TfLTfL Central line
#HighburyandIslington station on #victorialine and @ldnoverground has now reopened #TfLTfL Victoria line
Your "planned" engineering works on the overground didn’t seem to be "planned" yesterday when I checked on journey planner #tfl #shithouseSteve Wheen
Good morning, Ahmed here with #victorialine updates. There are now minor delays due to earlier emergency engineering work #TfLTfL Victoria line
Good morning, Ahmed here to provide #wlooandcityline updates. Train service will resume at 08.00. #TfLTfL W&C line
The #victorialine is now operating with good service to all destinations. #TfLTfL Victoria line
#ldnoverground minor delays #WillesdenJunction – #Stratford due to customer incident at Hampstead Heath. Good service all other routes #TfLTfL Overground
#tfl – typically fucking late @ldnovergroundThomas Yeomans
I’ve never seen so little traffic on #London’s roads. A pleasure to be driving today.David Blanco
Train to London already packed. Lots of #London2012 traffic and only a 4 car train. Standing only from ShorehamPaul Willis
Major delays on the Victoria line today #TfL #travel #OlymicCommuteBisoye Babalola
2 peaks in spectator movements today in #London; 6-8pm and 10:30-midnight. #Olympics #tube #trafficINRIX UK
@MayorofLondon Idea, how about turning the games lanes into cycle lanes when olympics is over, would create a real legacy for london! #tflDanny Jay Holland
I’m so glad the Olympics ends tomorrow. No more congested traffic… Oh no, wait. I live in London. #givemeclearroadsChar-Renee Covill
bloody traffic,done the paper,fb,twit ,instagram ,want the beach now,after a typical manic week in London town Morgan
Was it as shit as we expected? What happened to the London chaos? Was the traffic unbearable?EK McAlpine
More London from stopping at traffic lights lol Cranham
Olympic traffic down London is crazy #worldwidecoachesHowdle ✌
The traffic in central london isn’t even that bad tbhCOOLIE PMF.
District line has had my pants right down this morning. #TfLWill Pearce
Reward scheme for Cycling & Walking launched App supported by @TfLofficial discussed on our Blog #Cycling #EcoNews #TfLEco Lovers
Stuck in traffic, so much traffic in London today. I feel like Ast complaining about it :L can someone tell me if Tom got through??dani
A week in London would be nice! Not goin anywhere near London until the olympics is done!!! Hate traffic JEMMA • MULHOLLAND
Traffic jam on m25 outside London #nightmareBarry McGrath
Traffic in London is MANIC !!!Kam Garcha
London Olympic traffic #notFunOli Lane
London is amazing today. So chilled out & no traffic. Feel like I’m in a different city!Paula Nelson
Stuck in traffic on the way back from London #hellJake Marsh
London is beautiful today, however. I wont get to my casting in this TRAFFIC!!Lee Knight
Are we sure reigate isn’t hosting the Olympics. More flags then London and traffic chaos! #reigate2012Stephen Mann
Traffic is ridiculous getting into London #goawayJess Hill
Currently chilling in the Sun in London as we got here way too early as we didn’t hit any traffic #surprised considering Olympics onbeesle
Grr…stuck in traffic jam in east london…Richard
Traffic around Southend is mad with the Olympics in Hadleigh! Prob more so a load of clowns from London heading to the seafront! #NightmareJack
Traffic in london is pathetic! Fuck off Olympics!Matt targett
Why did I think driving into london would be a good idea, got onto the M25 and I’m just sitting in traffic #gahhhhhhRebecca Roberts
Never waiting so long for a tube at barons court #tflStephanie Lawson
#TFL temporarily closing entry to #Stratford station to reduce overcrowding inside. #Tube #Olympics Hallam
Actually can’t believe this system #tfl #londonbridgeNO NO COCO
So the end of Olympics is here but good news, look at the tube! Who said London’s transport system wouldn’t hold up! Tyler
Amazed how there’s no traffic in londonDominic langrish’
Timing is good so far. Left work and am on @Oxford_Tube – fingers crossed for good traffic and clear pavements at the London end.Gemma
3rd train journey of the day! #TFL has been good to me todayMiles Addy
Absolutely no traffic in central London…. Feels really different!Nick Pugh
All these over happy workers for #olympics #tfl need to give it rest. I’ve just had to ask one to stop talking to me ! #boring #overfriendlyHayley Daisy
Kann mir jemand bestätigen, dass dieses Plakat wirklich in London hängt?!?
#TFL are really going for it :) Bhudia
#tfl gives a better, more accurate tube journey duration then #nationalrail✘ shenaz
Just driven into central London. Little traffic on the streets but packed with people – a great atmosphere on the last day of #London2012Mark Priestley
1st queue of #2012 at Wembley – I asked man from #TfL why they didn’t run more trains – he told me that I should have driven !!!!Red G Barn
Empty met line at the weekend #TFL
After 12 hours in the car, stuck in traffic, I’m back in London. Epic @boardmasters fail… All of a sudden I love the tube.Sedge Beswick
Heading back to London, traffic..Jenny
Buses in London are not much fun *waits in traffic*Péter
Not helpful when your sitting in London traffic. #londonolympics fox
#tfl the central line goes able ground who knew. What a joyus train rideYasmin Joseph-Moore
I will miss the Olympics, great sport everyday, and very little traffic in London!Alan Goode
Buses shouldn’t be named as reliable public transport. Waiting for over 20 minutes on a dark street corner = unreliable. #TflFiona Brattle
Can’t believe it took me frigging 3 hours to get home! Thank you #TFL! Always knew you were reliable!Jenita Khilosia
Olympic traffic! What Olympic traffic? Central London is a ghost town #everyonehasolympicfever #Olymipcs2012Tommy Lord
The bus was due at 2041 and 2101. I’ve been here since 2030… Hate London transport #tflSteven Wicks
I’m in Olympic traffic. This is chaos. Ambulances everywhere. Welcome to East London, eh?danicka
so the M25 is shut so we have to drive home through London, watch us get stuck in the olympic trafficamy
E14 to W5 in about an hour, for £1.70, without any fuss. Not bad at all @MayorofLondon , not bad at all. #TfLDennis Mooney
Even though I live in london, I can’t even get into greenwich without having to leave my house like 2 hours before due to traffic and stuff!megan mead
Sort it out #TFL, from there being 3 buses due there are now none for 15minutes #jokeCharlotte Hadfield
Its been a nightmare gettin’ round London cause of da olympics.Traffic diversions especially round central London. I need an hovercraft lolpaul newman
London without traffic. Just a dream. Negro
LOVE the late night running tubes during #Olympic2012 #London2012 – please can they continue always?? #tflEleanor Banks

Randelhoff Martin

Herausgeber und Gründer von Zukunft Mobilität, arbeitet im Hauptjob im ARGUS studio/ in Hamburg. Zuvor war er Verkehrswissenschaftler an der Technischen Universität Dortmund.
Ist interessiert an innovativen Konzepten zum Lösen der Herausforderungen von morgen insbesondere in den Bereichen urbane Mobilität, Verkehr im ländlichen Raum und nachhaltige Verkehrskonzepte.


Telefon +49 (0)351 / 41880449 (voicebox)

E-Mail: randelhoff [ät]

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Randelhoff Martin

Herausgeber und Gründer von Zukunft Mobilität, arbeitet im Hauptjob im ARGUS studio/ in Hamburg. Zuvor war er Verkehrswissenschaftler an der Technischen Universität Dortmund.
Ist interessiert an innovativen Konzepten zum Lösen der Herausforderungen von morgen insbesondere in den Bereichen urbane Mobilität, Verkehr im ländlichen Raum und nachhaltige Verkehrskonzepte.


Telefon +49 (0)351 / 41880449 (voicebox)

E-Mail: randelhoff [ät]